Another Positive Birth Story

Welcome to the world, baby Freddie!

On October 29th, 2023 I woke up at 7 am and went to use the bathroom, discovering a gush of water coming from me. My water had broken. I told Tyler, who had just gotten Clara up. I called the doctor while Tyler fed Clara her breakfast. The doctor told me to come to the hospital. Tyler got our bags in the car and took a shower while I waited for my friend Laura to come over to watch Clara.

Upon getting to the hospital, I had no contractions at all until they checked me in and then they came on really strong. The staff took forever to check my dilation and by the time they did I was 6 cm dilated. I declined the epidural but asked for the nitrous oxide. They definitely waited too long to wheel me over to the birthing room. They hadn’t set up the gas yet or my antibiotics that I needed because I’m Group B strep positive. I felt the urge to push as soon as they hooked up my IV and got the gas going. I was on the bed trying to push, but it didn’t feel right. Tyler was holding my one leg, following my cues like last time, but the nurse who was supposed to be holding my other leg was barely holding it at all as if she didn’t want to. Then I said “I think I have to poop,” so they said okay and I pooped on the toilet with the nurse and Tyler watching me. It felt so good to poop, and I know I was making big noises while doing it. Then it started to feel like more than a poop, and the pushes hurt but also felt great at the same time. I remember thinking that I wished I had the gas, but I also didn’t want to leave the toilet. I felt like I was pushing a head through, and when the nurse saw the head they got stuff ready to deliver on the toilet. Then the doctor finally came in the room and said “she really shouldn’t be on the toilet” so they asked if I could make it to the bed and I said “I think so.” They helped me walk to the bed, but I couldn’t lay down so I delivered him standing against the bed. I gave four big pushes and screamed as loudly as I could and then they caught him. Frederick Tyler Harris was born at 10:58 am.

It was such a wild ride, from start to finish. My entire labor was only four hours long, and I definitely would have never thought I’d almost have him on the toilet! I felt powerful and thankful for the experience and for the gift of a new life.

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